Welcome to PGCC
We are a small non-denominational church that LOVES Jesus and our community! We believe in taking church outside our sanctuary walls.

Prince George Christian Church is on the Move! Whether volunteering for community projects, supporting missions locally, nationally and internationally or touring the ancient Bible Lands we want to experience and share the full scope of the Great Commission, "Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20)

What's a Worship Service Like?

Worship Service includes both pastoral and member(s) of the congregation. Our praise team begins with a welcome and music, announcements, followed by more music, Buddy Time for kids, offering, sermon, a closing song followed by the benediction.

Our messages are both biblically based, and reflect upon the spiritual, social, and emotional issues that challenge Christians every day. Our desire is the congregation will be guided in our thinking and inspired to spread the word of Christ’s boundless love.

Who We Are
At PGCC we don't "play Church"

We are a family welcoming new members constantly. We continually dive deeper into the ancient language and culture in which the Bible was written and make it practical for our everyday lives on Sunday mornings, Wednesday at 6:30 PM, and Sunday School at 9:45 every week. Our children and youth are our greatest treasures. We have a preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds.


We hold fundraisers, selling homemade Brunswick stew and pumpkin rolls all in the fall. Every year, the congregation of Prince George Christian Church  (PGCC) works together to create enough Brunswick Stew to fill a 1,000-gallon pot for the community. A seasonal favorite tradition is the baking of Pumpkin Rolls to sell during the holidays.


The Pastor will also host a trip to the Lands of the Bible, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and Greece, along with a cruise to the Greek Islands and Turkey with those who desire to walk in the steps of Jesus, Moses, and the Apostle Paul. Contact us today to join us!